Monday, December 1, 2014

Playing CATCH UP (September)

Emery was 16 months old.  A bunch more random pictures from my phone. hahaha

We took Emery to her first movie! It was just to the dollar theater but she did amazing! Watched the whole thing and had so much fun.

We found out that its a...

BOY! :)

We went to dinner for my dads birthday

She always tries to copy my face when we take selfies and I think its hilarious. hahah

We went to the state fair, she loved seeing all the farm animals and some random lady gave us some tickets so we decided to ride a couple rides. I thought that she would love the merry go round because she loves horses... but as soon as it started she wanted off!....

So we ended up sitting on a bench until it was over. haha but every time she saw her daddy she wanted him to get her off!

Caleb took her on a car ride and she loved it!

Sometimes we would eat our lunch outside because it was just too nice out.

And I would take a million pictures because she is just too cute and cracks me up!

She kills me.

Such a goofball!!!

We also loved to play with chalk when it was warm out

We went to my stepsister Angela's wedding


My loves

She loves being wrapped up like a burrito. crazy kid!

Having fun playing with a marble and looking for bugs!

I love this girl more than words can express

Kissing cousins!

These two crazies... why so serious?! haha

Emery was enjoying her ice cream from cute Sades first birthday party!

Ok little miss...

She loves showing people her belly button. haha

Her reaction to her getting a little brother hahaha

Being a little mama and feeding her baby

just being cute in a giant vest

She loves being outside and loved to help grandpa work on whatever he was fixing

Loves her babies and is such a good little mama

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