Monday, December 1, 2014

Playing CATCH UP (August)

I figured since I was adding a ton of pictures I would separate the posts by months.

Emery was 15 months old the month of August!

To start August off we went on a family trip with my mom, mike and all his kids. We went to Estes Park, which was about an 8 hour drive, and Emery was so good on the trip! She traveled like a pro. We all had such a fun time! Caleb had to leave early so the last few days of the trip we were without him and sure missed him!

Cutest little duck sleep face haha

Being a cutie at the little park by the condos

She LOVED the babies, just practicing her big sister skills! Emery holding cute baby Bentley

Every time she saw a baby she had to hold them! Avery and Emery cousins!

crazy girls!

Family picture

Just busy playing in the cupboard, she still does this at home!

Going for a walk around the little lake

Love my little family! And Caleb's facial hair. hahahaha

We rode a tram to the top of a mountain and fed chipmunks!

She found a book.. so naturally she had to roll around on the floor with it.

Looking for chipmunks..

She decided she wanted to start eating the peanuts too! haha

Addi holding Emery

She loves this baby.

My mom was supposed to be watching her... haha guilty!
We love family vacations and had such a great time! Family is everything and we love all the memories we make with them!

The next handful of pictures are from the Children's Treehouse Museum in Ogden. I took the two kids I babysit, Sofia 5 and Nixon 3, along with us and we all had a blast! 

Funny story... the kid in the back was actually playing chess with his mom and Emery kept running over and stealing the pieces... oops! hahaha

She found this panda bear in the little Chinese house and wouldn't put it down

Later that night after the museum, Emery found Grandpas motorcycle helmet and put it on. It was like bigger than her! hahaha

Looking so cute in grandpas helmet

We went to the Davis County Fair, they had a free petting zoo and the kids loved it! (I took Sofia and Nixon too)

She absolutely LOVED riding her pony!

No worries, thats just a freakin llama!!!

She missed nap time since we were out at the fair so as soon as I put her in her stroller she fell asleep on our short walk to the car.

We went to the aquarium with kiley, jamillie and my mom. We had a fun time! :)

Caleb and Emery walking across the rope thingy

She loves climbing on things

Just her size :)

I dont know how to rotate it... but she sure enjoyed a chocolate strawberry!

We went up Farmington Canyon for a day and had a lot of fun

She wanted to sit in her own chair like a big girl

Swinging was one of our daily activities. I kid you not. haha

Also so were bubbles.

We went through the Ogden Temple open house with my dad and anita. It was BEAUTIFUL!!

She crawled up all on her own and started reading haha

We took emery on a date with us. We went and got some food then took it to the park to eat and feed the ducks. We sure had a lot of fun with our darling baby girl!

Her face seeing all the ducks

Just playing with daddy, these two are my world!

She also had so much fun playing on the playground!

She was helping me with laundry, I handed her these hangers to hold but then she wouldnt give them up! She played with them for over an hour and when naptime came she wouldnt go down without them. haha

Just waving at cars

"oh HI mom!"

Wheres Emery?... hahaha

I go in and check on her and give her a kiss every night right before I head to bed... She is always sleeping so crazy, but most the time I dont have to move her.

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