Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Round 2.

Like I mentioned in a previous post... Emery is going to be a BIG SISTER! To be honest I was terrified when I found out. I didnt have it very easy when I was pregnant with Emery. This is how my FIRST pregnancy went down:

4 weeks- found out that I was pregnant. I was SOOOOO happy! A few days later I threw up for the first time and I remember right after I ran and told Caleb with a big smile on my face that I threw up for the first time! I was so happy because I thought that meant that I was really pregnant. Little did I know how bad it was going to get... After that first day of throwing up, it only got worse.

(I just want to say I HATE complaining to people about things... that is NOT what Im trying to do. Im just telling it how it was.)

5-26 weeks- I threw up every single day multiple times a day. My average was about 4-5 times in a day, sometimes more sometimes less. I had to go get Ivs for fluids and nutrition. I was SO sick and felt miserable and was pretty much depressed. I was working part time and it was so hard on me! I think that was partly why I got so sick, I didnt take care of myself as best as I could have. I remember people telling me and reading things that said that it got better in the second trimester, but it never eased up. Pretty soon it just became a daily routine. But I hated throwing up at work and quite a few times I would throw up in the parking lot either arriving or on my way home. Not only was I super sick but I feel like I got hit with every single miserable pregnancy symptom out there! I couldnt brush my teeth without gagging which would lead to throwing up. Every smell was SO strong that I hated everything and would get mad at caleb when he cooked or sprayed cologne or anything that had a smell. I was SO emotional, mostly I was just angry not weepy. I would get really bad headaches. Had horrible insomnia which I never had a problem with in my life, it was weird! I would get super dizzy and "over heated" like every morning for no reason and it would make me have to lay down for a bit before I could do anything without feeling like passing out. Which always made me late for work. No matter how much time I had to get ready unexpected puking session, or dealing with my over heated self. I hated being late! I was miserable and honestly thought that I only wanted one kid. I told myself I couldnt go through this again, especially if I had to take care of another kid. So I was convinced at this point that this would be my only kid. I did not like being pregnant. I know that for everyone pregnancy just isnt a walk in the park. Everyone has their own things to deal with. It made me sad that I didnt enjoy being pregnant. My mom always said that she loved it, so I tried to. I did enjoy the ultrasounds and doctor appointments and feeling her move but that was about it. I couldnt wait to be done.
(I also switched over to my midwife at 24 weeks and LOVE her! That was a positive of my pregnancy :))

27-33 weeks- Things actually started to slow down, I was now only throwing up once every morning and maybe a few other random times during the week. But I was happy with that! I started to get happier and come out of the dark place that I was in.

34 weeks to delivery- I was only throwing up once or twice a WEEK! Miracle, I think so! But the moment I had her I felt AMAZING. I would gladly take labor and delivery over a pregnancy any day of the week. And an all natural labor at that! I am amazed at my body though and for all that it can go through to bring a precious tiny human into this world. It all really is WORTH IT!

I definitely loved having a baby and thought that they are so worth it so of course I would have more. I thought that I wanted them about 2 1/2-3 years apart. I wanted to soak in as much time alone with Emery and I wanted her to be able to do more and understand more before I got pregnant and had another kid. Well now Im pregnant and they will be about 20 months apart. The main thing I was terrified about was being pregnant again. So when I saw that test read positive I absolutely freaked! I just prayed that it wouldnt be as bad and that I wanted to avoid that dark place that I was in.
My pregnancy the SECOND time around:

6 weeks- found out I was pregnant. Only a little nauseous, not too bad.
7 weeks- found out how far along I was and my due date of January 25th.
8-11 weeks- only have thrown up about 10-15 times total! :) I still feel icky the majority of the day but if I get a nap in and eat all the time I usually can still do whatever and feel a lot better. I do feel extremely tired a lot of the time and I get these HORRIBLE headaches (I probably need to drink more even though I try to stay hydrated) but I am still glad its going a lot better. Especially since I have an active one year old to chase around all day!

After I had Emery, Caleb got into natural herbs and supplements to take so I started taking vitamins daily. Then a few months before I supposedly got pregnant I started taking b12 and a few more vitamins. I honestly believe that because of these that I have had a lot easier time this time around! Now that I know Im pregnant I take a magnesium supplement along with my prenatal, calcium pills, my b12 that has b6 and folic acid, and a d3 vitamin daily. Magnesium is supposed to help with morning sickness and it really has helped me I believe. I also eat a lot more frequently and overall am just a healthier person. I dont know exactly if that was the reason Im not near as sick, or whatever the reason may be I am just SO beyond grateful. I am also a lot happier and not in a dark place :) Pregnancy still isnt my favorite thing, but I am excited to feel this baby move and to see if it is a boy or a girl. :) 

I am currently 11 weeks 4 days. I am already starting to show.. besides the bloat! A week and a half more then I'll be in my second tri! It is already going pretty fast and I hope that it just stays on warp speed. Fingers crossed! :)

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