Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th of July FUN.

I love love LOVE the fourth of July. Im bummed at myself this year for not taking very many pictures! But we had a great fourth! We woke up and went to the Kaysville parade, which doesnt start till 11 so we didnt have to rush or anything and it was nice! The parade was a ton of fun! It was sooo hot but we had umbrellas to block the sun and every now and then there would be a cool breeze which was nice.. they also gave out free popsicles in the parade so that definitely helped cool us! We got a couple handfuls of candy which Emery tried to eat every piece as she got it. She really enjoyed the parade though! Her favorite parts were the marching bands and the horses. I just loved the whole thing! When I danced I used to be in the parade and I havent been back to it since so it had been a few years. I definitely want to make it a tradition to go. What kid doesnt love a parade?!! Crazy to think that next year I'll have two littles to take to the parade! After the parade we stayed for the water part of it. I stood back and just watched since I didnt feel like getting soaked, even though Caleb came up behind me with a full water bottle and poured it all down me.. Caleb took Emery closer and they both got soaked haha Emery was a little unsure of what was happening but you could tell that she thought it felt good since it was such a hot day!
We went back to Calebs parents after since they live close by and we had lunch. Then we were all getting tired so we headed home for naps. We later went back over for a BBQ which was delicious and it was fun hanging out with family. We lit a few fireworks before heading over to Davis for the big ones. Emery sure loved them! The big Davis fireworks were a hit as well. They always seem to have a pretty show put on. Such a fun holiday! 
I am so grateful to have our freedom and for those who serve in order for us TO have our freedom.
Waiting for the parade to start. (Calebs hand is like as big as her hahahaha)

Caleb brought out the wheelchair and they had a lot of fun in it, when emery would share it that is. haha

loving the fireworks

She was so tired but she actually loved the fireworks! She kept trying to grab them or point at them it was cute :)

My lil squish last year then this year.

The only picture I have of us together from the fourth. I love my little family! :)

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