Wednesday, July 9, 2014


June seriously FLEW by (just like how July is flying by..) like seriously I cant believe that its already July. We didnt do a whole lot in June mostly because we spent the majority of the month sick. Emery and I got whooping cough. Then on top of that we all got a nasty stomach bug. It was awful! A lot of my friends and family caught it too so it was just this icky bug that was going around that we were so fortunate to catch. We are now finally feeling mostly all better! It really makes me appreciate our health. I still have my cough but Emery seems to be over hers for the most part. They call whooping cough the 100 day cough cause it just stays and lingers and makes you miserable for as long as possible. I'll have coughing spells and it gets so bad that I cant even breathe, I can see how dangerous it can be especially for little babies! It breaks my heart that Emery had to go through it too! It has kicked my butt. I feel like Emery has handled it better than I have, shes amazing!
Emery's first time at a splash pad

This happened. She figured out how to open the toilet lid! hahaha oooohhh boy.

She just HAD to climb in this random thing while we were in line to get our Cherry Hill passes.

Two of her favorite things, being outside and playing with Luxi

She is such a goof!

What the majority of our summer has looked like

We went to a wedding and Emery wouldnt let Caleb and I dance together. We then tried all three of us dancing together.. but she didnt have that either. She wanted her daddy all to herself! She held on to his neck and everything, it was the sweetest thing ever!!! Totally melted my heart into a big ol puddle and you can see that Caleb was thoroughly enjoying it as well. 

She loves sitting in her own chair, and I love spending my summer nights with these two!

She went through a phase where she had to take her nap with me right by her. Or actually she right on me! haha

The sweetest

The goofiest

The happiest little girl!

She loves this little statue thats at Calebs parents house. She always has to go and give it hugs and kisses and try to pick it up.

I loved this phase of sleeping on mom naptimes. Its over now. She is growing too fast!

Cause who doesnt love yogurt and saltines?!

Random picture of Luxi... I cant forget about this crazy pup!

Other than getting over being sick June brought us a little (HUGE) surprise!


I found out on June 5th and couldnt believe it. I honestly didnt think that I was, I had just been feeling sickish for about a week. I thought that it was my vitamins that I take and that I wasnt eating enough when I take them. Then on June 4th I just really wasnt feeling good, especially after dinner, I thought that I was going to throw up but I didnt and I went to bed but I had a random thought that I should take a pregnancy test in the morning if I was still feeling sick. Just for the fun of it. So the next morning I woke up and I felt good. Didnt feel sick anymore but I still had a thought to take a pregnancy test. We had one left over from a loooong time ago so I thought "What the heck, it cant hurt anything" so I decided to take one. And I just KNEW it would be negative. So I thought.. hahaha It turned positive faster than it took to pee on the thing! I was literally shocked. I went into the kitchen to get a drink and immediately after I threw up. So then I thought "Okay... maybe I really AM pregnant." haha I text Caleb a picture then after I made him bring home more pregnancy tests... just to be sure. And of course as soon as I peed on the second test it turned positive. I was still nursing Emery and hadnt had a period yet so I had no idea how far along I was. I called and made an appointment for a week later and found out I was about a little over 7 weeks.
All I can say is life is full of crazy surprises. hahaha :)
The test.... baaahhh

I took this picture like right after she woke up and sent it to Caleb. haha I didnt feel like waiting mainly because I didnt believe it and I wanted to see what he would say! He is super excited by the way!

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