Thursday, December 12, 2013

tis the season.

We took the girls to get their pictures done last Saturday. It was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. But between mine and Kiley's camera we got a few good pictures! It was so much fun also. Their cute little personalities are coming out and it is so much fun watching them all interact together. 

Emery, Jamillie, Stella
I love this one. Ps.. I totally made the onesies. I thought it would be a fun simple little project.. took a lot longer than I had expected. HOLY CRAP. Good thing they look so cute in them.
Emery is such a cheeser. Jamillie was in chill mode. Stella was just content.
Here is a little of the craziness that went on. Emery kept turning around, Jamillie kept wanting to crawl away, Stella was just content with her toys though. :)
This face. I love it. Its her concentrating face and I love watching her play and learn!
She was too busy playing so no smiles for us. But she will suck on her bottom lip of course. hahaha she is too funny!
Happy babies! But for real, this is my favorite picture we took.
Emery was NOT having it. She was cold and hungry and obviously hated the cute little outfit we put them in.
Jamillie had enough so she was out. hahahahah!
After she was fed and placed on a warm blanket she did much better! :)
Probably not the "brightest" idea little E.. okay that was stupid. but really it scared me when she started eating them. But at least its a cute picture!
Cheeser butt!
Santa Baby
That face again... LOVE IT.
This was probably the best one we got of them in this outfit... After almost an hour of taking pictures they were done.
Their faces. This is also one of my favorites. HAHAHAHA
Yup, they were BEYOND done. Except Emery, now that she was fed and warm she was pretty content.. and obviously in her own little world.
Sucking on that lip again.
Happy girl with two little chompers! Also her little heart is fading and it makes me sad.
Crazy legs! She was always moving them. And her little eyes kill me.
She is already SO beautiful. I am terrified for her teenage years.
This was how she was like 90% of the time. Turned around. We were always turning her back around!Such a silly babe.
I am SO happy that we all live close to each other. It has been SO much fun watching the girls grow up together and it makes me happy to know that they will be life long friends! I love these three babes so much and cant wait to watch them grow through the years!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh these are so great! You guys all have such beautiful kids, and is awesome that they are so close together! they are going to love that when they are older
