Thursday, December 12, 2013

Be Merry

Its that time of year again. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR! I love everything about it. I love the holidays and spending them with family. I love the snow. (until about February.. then its just annoying and I want it gone.) My favorite thing about the snow is staying inside. Haha! I love to snuggle up with lots of blankets. Watch movies. Drink hot chocolate. Sit and read by the fire. Bundle up in warm clothes. Sit inside and watch the snow fall. It really is so pretty! And I am so excited to spend these cold snowy days with my little love bug!
I love setting up for Christmas. We usually do the first of December but this year time has gotten away from us. We set up our tree like two weeks ago but didnt have lights for it. So for the past two weeks Caleb has been saying he'll bring some home from his parents.. well he kept forgetting. He finally brought some home last night and we decorated the tree today. SO FUN! I love life with a baby. Every thing is just so much more exciting and fun. Emery truly brings the magic of Christmas to life. 
Speaking of Christmas and this time of year, this year is different. Caleb is out of a job, he is working for his dad though which I am so thankful for, but it makes things really hard. We are living in my parents basement, again I am so thankful that we are able to with the situation we are in, but it makes things hard. I always seem to get a little more depressed around the winter time. Seasonal depression I guess. Its normal. But this year as I feel myself slipping away and having the stress of money and life I stopped for a second, looked at my beautiful baby and thought of everything that I am grateful for. There was SO much to be grateful for! We dont have a lot of money, things are tight, and with Christmas coming and having to buy everyone something it makes things really really stressful. But our families are so great and have been blessing us time and time again. Caleb's dad is paying him to work for him. My parents are letting us live in their basement and my mom gave us a bunch of things for Emery that we can give her for Christmas. We are blessed. We wont always be in this situation so we will just have to make do with what we have. I have already been given the greatest gift on earth. And that is being  a mom. I couldnt ask for more. I have a great husband who loves me, a beautiful daughter who brightens my days, and we come from amazing families. We have so much love that that is really all we need. We are SO blessed.We may not have a lot, but we have what is most important. And I am okay with that! 
I shouldnt have to stress over Christmas. It is supposed to be a joyful time of year. So instead of stressing over everything I am just going to take a step back and enjoy. I was thinking how I just wish that I could get everyone I loved something. And I realized that I can. I can give them service. I can give them my time. I can give them someone to listen to and count on. I can give them a good friend. It may sound all cheesy but society has changed people. Its all about what you want and what you get for Christmas, instead of what you can give. Memories with people you love are better than objects you get bored with anyway. I am going to strive to be happy this winter. I am so blessed to have Emery. She and Caleb definitely help me out during my darkest days. Life is great! There is so much to look forward to. These are our hard times but we will get out of them stronger and a closer family. I AM SO BLESSED. :)

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