Sunday, December 1, 2013

I am Thankful.

We had a rushed crazy busy day. 
Emery woke up at 4:30 am and wouldn't let us put her back in her crib, when we tried she would cry and wake up. Caleb tried. I tried. She would just sleep in our arms. She finally let us put her down at around 6:30. I never set an alarm because Emery usually always wakes up between 7-8 every morning. We had two places to be on Thanksgiving so I didn't even worry about setting an alarm thinking I'd just get up and get ready when Emery woke up. Only Emery had other plans. Since she was up for a couple hours early in the morning she didn't end up waking up until ten! We were all tired so that was nice that she slept in but we were not going to make it to Caleb's families house early like we wanted. Oh well. Caleb had to run to the store to pick up stuff so we could make a dish but we couldn't find our keys anywhere. Good thing we live in my parents basement! (I don't say that too often hahahaha) we went and borrowed their car. 
We made it to Caleb's parents house by 1:30. We had to leave by 3:30 to head to Logan to my dads, so after we ate we had to hurry and celebrate Caleb's birthday with everyone then literally ran out the door while he was opening gifts. I hate feeling rushed. My anxiety was going through the roof and I felt bad we weren't able to stay and relax and talk to everyone. We made it to my dads by five for our second dinner. We ate then basically had to leave a couple hours later to get back home to get Emery in bed. It was so fun seeing everybody but I feel like we didn't get to really relax and talk to people because we were so rushed to get here and there. The day just went by too fast! I didn't really have a chance to think of all I'm thankful for. So here's my list:
A house to live in. Even though it's my parents basement.. At least we have somewhere to go every night and it's warm.
Clothes to wear. Even if they aren't the newest "style". 
Food to eat. Every day, every meal.
Clean water to drink. 
A car to get us places. Even though we only have one car, and it's an ugly old car, it's better than nothing.
Modern technology. 
Modern medicine when needed.
An education.
My health.
My friends. Especially the ones who make time for me.
 My many blessings, and trials for that matter. 
Seriously for ALL THAT I HAVE. I don't have much, but I still feel so blessed. 
But most of all I am thankful for my FAMILY
For Emery, for making me want to be a better person all around. For making me a mommy and for brightening my day every single day.
For Caleb, for being my rock, best friend and greatest husband for me. For accepting me as I am and loving me through my flaws and all.
For my Mom, for giving us a place to live and for helping out so much in our time of need. She is a great example for me to look up to.
For Caleb's Parents, for giving Caleb work so he can help support us. For loving me as their own and always being so willing to help us.
For my sister Kiley, she is one of my best friends. She is the best sister a girl can ask for. She is such a good mommy and I look up to her so much. I am so lucky she is my sister!
For all of my other siblings and their families, for my in-laws, and all of our extended family.
Family truly is the greatest gift. I am so blessed to have everyone of them in my life and I love them all!

I truly am so thankful for all that I have and for everyone in my life. 


Oh she was too cute! I love this little turkey butt!

1 comment:

  1. Emery is seriously the cutest!! SO glad that you have a blog, you guys sound like your'e doing amazing! :)
