Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The party never stopped.

Friday the 29th, the day after Thanksgiving was pretty relaxing. I made Caleb stay home from work... when he's his own boss its okay once in a while right?? Usually he works six days a week and only takes Sundays off so it was so nice and fun spending a little extra time with him! :)
We also still hadn't found our car keys yet so I decided to stay home and clean the house until I find them and have Caleb help watch Emery. I did loads of laundry and straightened up and still never found them. My parents took us out to dinner for Caleb's birthday that night then we just relaxed the rest of the night and even went to bed early!

Saturday the 30th:
I did more cleaning and finally found our keys... on Caleb's night stand just sitting there in plain sight! I ran and got him and made him come and see where they were. I thought he had looked there so I never bothered and this whole time he had been the one blaming me that I was the one to lose them since I was the last to drive. But I had told him I thought that I gave them to him... and I was RIGHT! hahaha It was just a funny moment and we are both happy to finally have our car keys back. Also....

She weighs 18lbs.
She says dada and mama only she doesn't know that shes saying that. She'll say dadada all day long when she's happy but when she's whiny and sad that's when she'll say mama. We'll see what her REAL first word is in no time I'm sure.
She talks alllll the time. Just baby gibberish but she loves to talk.
She pinches, hard.
She scratches.
She still loves bath time.
She will even take good naps sometimes! Woo!
She still grabs everything.
She likes playing with hair and earrings.
She plays with her own hair while I nurse her.
She is almost crawling. I know she wants to. She is so close to! But I'm okay with her not crawling just yet. :)
she'll climb on us now.
She likes to stand up.
She does this funny thing when she gets mad. She tenses her body up and grunts at us. Hahaha
She gives kisses now.
She giggles and laughs at like everything.
She loves to blow raspberries all day long, and spit them right in your face.
She also likes to spit when you give her food.
She is becoming such a little tease.. just like her daddy! I love her little personality! She is shy until she gets to know you then she is a crazy little goofball.

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