Tuesday, May 6, 2014

O N E year and counting!

Stop it. Is Emery SERIOUSLY one already?!?! What the crap. Oh what a year it has been! It went by way too fast but I am loving being a mom. I feel blessed that I get to be a stay at home mom and spend all my time with her. She is so fun to watch! They seriously grow up in a blink.

O N E year stats:
Weighs 20lbs
Is 29in
 She can WALK.
 She started walking all on her own like a week before her birthday. She turns one and is walking.. I just cant take it! hahaha its so cute to see her walk though! In the beginning she had to have a security object to walk.. like a giant water jug or my purse.. but she is actually walking all on her own without anything now. Crazy!
 She LOVES to blow kisses,
 give kisses,
 give hugs,
 give high fives,
 turn on/off the lights
 be tickled 

 She loves music and dancing
Her favorite song is Wheels on the Bus
She loves being outside and playing
She likes to pick all the dandelions that she sees and give them to me
Her favorite food are the smoothies and juices we (Caleb) make(s)
She loves dogs
She loves books and dolls
Still loves bath time
She likes to stand/sit on things/people 
She can say momma, dadda, hi, byebye, boo, bop, no, more, caleb (my favorite word she says haha), kinsey, luxi. she also mimics what we say.
She loves to nurse STILL. (im working on weaning her.. it might be the death of me though haha)

I love this girl SOOOO MUCH. I learn just as much from her as she does from me. She is such a sweet girl. She has her moments though and can throw a pretty mean tantrum, and is a little bit of a drama queen at times but her personality is just the cutest! Shes a mamas girl and I definitely cant complain about that :) My life was changed completely after she came into my life. It changed in the best possible way ever. I am so thankful for her and blessed to be her mom. Being a mother will be my greatest calling in life and the greatest thing I will ever do. I might not be the best friend but I feel like I am a pretty good mom! She keeps me laughing daily and her little laugh kills me every time. She is just so cute! I cant wait to see what this next year has in store for her! I love watching her grow and learn and change.

I love you Emery Lynn Spotz!

Here are a few of her one year birthday pictures.


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