Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Im baaaaack.

 So... its been almost 5 months since I have written a post. I went through a weird phase. Well honestly, I was struggling. Not with being a mom, I LOVE being a mom. But just with my life in general. I blame it on the winter blues. I wont get into that on this post. I'm a pretty private person so it is hard for me to put my life out there so I would also ask myself a bunch of questions like, "Why would I write about my life for people to see?" or " No one wants to read my blog. Its stupid." etc. But then I got over being stupid and realized I'm NOT WRITING FOR ANYONE ELSE!! I'm writing for ME. So that I can write down things that I want to remember about my life as it is right now as it happens. I want to do what my sister does with hers and print it off into books so it is kind of like my journal. And after I realized all that I now feel kind of sad that I missed all those months of things that I could have documented. So I will do a quick update then get back on the blogging train. :)


Not too much has really changed with us. We are still in my parents basement. Still working hard (or hardly working in my case haha) Still loving being a family of three. The same old stuff.  

KINSEY- I started babysitting for some extra income. I watch 2 kids, Sofia is 5 and Nixon is 3, every other Friday from about 9am-5pm. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I watch my friends little baby girl Olivia who is 4 months now for a few hours. Emery loves the kids! She is so cute to watch with them too. They all love her too! Except the older kids dont like when she slobbers on her toys, or grabs them. Ha ha :) 

CALEB- He is still working for his dad and looking for another job. He is such a great husband to me and such an amazing daddy to Emery. I love watching him with Emery. I am SO thankful for him!

EMERY- She is now ONE!!!! I cant believe it. I just cant. Not a lot of things make me emotional but thinking about my baby growing up definitely gets me going! BUT every day she just keeps getting more fun. I love watching her grow and learn. I love spending all my days with her.
She just keeps getting so big!
She weighs about 20lbs
Shes 29in tall
Has 4 teeth, and is teething! Her 5th tooth will probably make an appearance soon. ( I HATE teething)
She stands by herself and will walk if you hold her hand. But she has taken tons of steps on her own and will be walking all by herself in no time. I am not in a rush for her to walk. Haha She totally can shes just cautious and its so cute watching her!
She loves music and to dance and sing to it.
She loves to clap, give high fives, blow kisses, wave, read books.
She is such a tease!
She keeps us laughing and is such a sweet baby, we are so blessed to have her and be her parents!
There is so much more I could write about her. More on her in her Birthday Post  :)


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