Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Emery and I went to Boston with my mom, Mike, my dad, Anita, Kiley, Jason, and their baby Jamillie. Jason was running in the Boston Marathon so my parents went to support him. My little brother was supposed to go instead of me but he had just gotten a job and didnt think he could take a week off so they let me have his ticket. I am SO happy that I got to go. I fell in love with it there! We actually stayed in Cape Cod but I loved everything about it there. Mike let us all know that he wasnt really a fan of the place... haha but I just loved it!

Emery was SOOO good on the trip! She just slept the whole time on both the flights there. We did leave at midnight though so I was expecting her to! She did get a little plane sick or something though cause after our plan landed in New York and we were waiting to board our other one to Boston she threw up.. a few times. Then when we got on the plane she threw up twice more.. then was done for good. Thank goodness! I felt so bad! On the trip we drove a lot and she did really well. Especially for not being the biggest fan of her car seat! She definitely had her moments though and was really clingy to me the whole time. About halfway through the trip I noticed that she was cutting a tooth so that had a lot to do with it too. Caleb also didnt go so Im sure she was missing him! But overall I was VERY impressed with how well she was and her and Jamillie stole the hearts of everyone they met! :)

Jason did AMAZING at the Marathon. He was in the top 100 to finish out of 36,000 people!!!! He finished only 20 minutes after the guy who won first place. Now that is pretty amazing! And everyone that we talked to told us that this marathon was a hard one to get a good time on. So he really did good.

We did a lot of fun things while we were there. Went to the beach. Went to a children's museum (Emery LOVED it there!!) Went to a Red Sox vs. Yankees baseball game at Fenway Park. Went on the freedom trail walk. Went whale watching. Went to Woods Hole seaport. Ate lots of sea food. Had the BEST clam chowder in the world. Rode trains, subways, ferrys, and the planes.

I seriously want to move there! But I will settle with just going back at least, and taking Caleb with me!

About to go on the plane and head to Boston!

After we landed in New York. (I was SO tired!)

After we landed in Boston

While waiting to rent a car..

Beach baby!
Disgusting thingy (Horseshoe crab)

The beach!
At the Children's Museum

I love her concentration face.

She sat in this bucket at the grocery store for literally 5 min.

Such a goof!
On Easter.. this was the best I got ha

First cousin bath!
Swimming. It was cold but she still had fun

On her first train ride

Playing peek a boo

Nap Time!

She loves dolls

On the subway
On a donkey

On a ferry


Random building

Snuggling Grandpa Porath


Go Red Sox!
She was SO good during the game!

On the whale watching boat with Grandma Porath

On the plane on our way back home. Bittersweet day.. hahaha

They had cemetery's on like every corner i swear.

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