Sunday, November 17, 2013

1 + 1 = 2

It happened. I jumped on to the Blog Train. I never actually thought I'd start one... but then I became a mom and thought it was a good idea. And a very "mom" thing of me to do. So here I am.... just warning my first few posts may be novels.. so read it if you want.. or dont. I figure this blog is more for me anyway to have somewhere to write down anything and everything.

I'll start off with how I became a Spotz.

I met Caleb when I was 15. I was a sophomore in high school and he was a senior. He had a girlfriend at the time and honestly I thought he was kinda silly and wasnt really even interested in him. He was friends with a girl from my dance team so he would be there sometimes when I would hang out with her. She ended up setting me up on a date with his best friend Landon (who Caleb was living with at the time) the summer after my sophomore year. I was 16 and Landon was 19. I thought it was so cool that to be going on a date with an older guy! Anyway, we went on a few dates and continued to hang out with everyone. Pretty soon Caleb was asking me to hang out. And well he kissed me one night while we were hanging out and the only thing I thought about was CRAP how am I supposed to tell Landon about this?? I told Caleb he had to tell him. After all of that we continued to hang out a TON. That summer was FULL of late nights, sneaking out, lots of dates, snuggling, and many adventures. We never became exclusive but we were okay with that. And we were becoming really good friends. When it came time for me to start my junior year Caleb decided to take a year off and just work before going to college.

We dated the rest of my high school years, on and off of being exclusive or not. Just like the summer we first started hanging out, all of our memories were late nights, snuggling, sneaking out and many dates and adventures. He went off to Dixie College my senior year, I remember before he left feeling like the world was going to end because he was going to be so far away. HAHA silly teenage me... But he came back lots and I went and visited him down there.

I will admit our relationship was not the best of one. We both cared for each other tremendously but we also both hurt each other a lot. We werent the best of teenagers and we went through a lot. And we did a lot of not so good things.. that now that I am a mom I just pray my kids wont go down that road.. I wont go into detail but I will say that we have come a LONG way and I am SO happy with where we are today. And through it all we were always best friends. It was hard for me to date other guys because I was always so hooked on Caleb. My family.. well we'll just say they werent his biggest fans.. but now they all love him. :)

We got engaged when I was 18, married when I was barely 19, and had our first baby when I was 20. Life has been a crazy journey being married to this hunk and we have definitely had our ups and downs. But they have just made our relationship and marriage a stronger one. He is such a good husband! I hate doing dishes and vacuuming and guess what... Caleb does the dishes and the vacuuming for me, without even complaining! He also helps with all the other household chores. Even though I dislike his cleaning technique of picking something up and putting it down somewhere else where it doesnt belong I still appreciate it so much. He truly treats me like a queen. I cant even explain how good he is to me or how much I love him. There is just sooo much to say. As great of a husband as he is, he is an even better daddy. I am so lucky that he is mine! And I am so excited to go through life with him by my side. I wouldnt want anyone else. I cant wait to see what life has in store for us!

We are working on getting sealed. I am so proud of how far we have come and I cant wait for the day that he will be sealed to me for all of eternity. I love knowing that he will always be MINE forever. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is such an amazing start to a blog and a beautiful story, I am excited to hear more about your lives abs that beautiful baby girl
